Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What makes a true friend ?

True friends are hard to find. I personally can count with the fingers of one hand the amount of true friends that I have. So what constitutes a true friend?
There are times in each of our lives when we are in need of real help. We may be in serious trouble, we may have made a huge mistake, we may be extremely depressed, we maybe very sad or we may be short of money. A true friend will be more than happy to help us in these types of situation, without reservation. They will not judge us on the predicament that we have found ourselves however much we are to blame. This true friend will not spread our gossip to other people and will be there to offer advice and support.
You will be able to trust your true friends one hundred percent. They will pick you up when you are down, they will be a shoulder to cry on when you are upset and will be somebody who you spend many an evening having spills and frills.
A true friend will make time for you when you are in need of their company. They will share your good news and bad. They are likely to be interested in all aspects of your life and will not desert you for other people.
So how many of these types of friend have you? If you have more than five then I will be very jealous, I hope you realise just how lucky you are.
In reality the unfortunate truth is that the amount of true friends that we have will reduce over the years. This is a natural occurrence as we realise that the person who we thought and classed as a true friend is in fact not deserving of that title.

will true friend be beside us forever ?
did true friend make us felt unhappy ?


Adlin Farahiyah said...

yes... aku sokong kau ...! :)
(senanye x hbis bace )

adlina razan said...

hehe . how can awk x abis bace agi awk dh agree dgn kite ? kite bwatt yg ni bcoz kite mrh kattt farah adlina .